The Great (don’t you mean Grand?) Pool Debate

It seems that my Instagram posts (check it out here) are inspiring my blog posts lately…

Which pool is your favorite at the Grand Floridian?

Mine is the Courtyard Pool..for many reasons of which I’ll share.  I’m sure my husband would say its the Beach Pool – 100% because it has a slide.

Here is a quick comparison for you when deciding which pool to camp out during your vacation.  You are obviously welcome to use BOTH pools… but doesn’t it seem like we stick more to one?  It’s like when you don’t have assigned seats in a room but yet you always come back to the same seat?  Just me?

I will straight up admit I like the Courtyard Pool because it is the quietest.  However, here are some other star qualities:

  • It’s the OG of Grand Floridian Pools
  • It’s the largest of the Grand Floridian Pools
  • Great views from your hotel room in many of the buildings (duh look at my picture)
  • Its open 24/7 – which is awesome during those December evenings when its randomly 85 degrees at night and the other pool is closed
  • Movies are shown in the courtyard, right next to the pool.  You could even watch from the pool if you like!

*Just remember, this pool has no lifeguards – if that’s a concern for you.

However… many of you like more bells and whistles with your Disney Pool.  So here are the super fun qualities of the Beach Pool:

  • It has a WATERFALL
  • It has a SLIDE (main reason why I end up hanging out here, my husband will go up and down this thing all day)
  • It has Cabanas (I’m a sucker for a cabana, but I have never tried these – let me know if you have!)
  • It has Disney DJs (I have no idea if this is the real name for them, should I trademark this) where they games and music for kids… I will say, some of their trivia is even hard for me let alone a six year old
  • The Alice in Wonderland themed splash pad for the childrens
  • I actually think the bar menu here is better (food wise).

*And on that note I definitely need to post a blog about my annoyance with the standardization of the Disney Bar Drink Menu.  I get it, cost savings, whatever.  It annoys me.  I’ve said my peace, AMEN.

I hope this little comparison helps you make the choice that suits you and your family.  I hope you do enjoy both…but let’s not pretend you won’t gravitate to one or the other.